Unless you negotiated a deletion with your settlement payment, most times the collection agencies will still report the collection account as negative. Your credit report will say paid but still, ding you for points. What you want is a deletion after you paid not an update that it is paid. Make sure you negotiate the...
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0% APR Car Loan VS. 24.99% APR Car Loan
0% APR Car Loan VS. 24.99% APR Car Loan
Loan amount - $25,000
Interest rate (percentage) - 0%
Loan period – 60 Months
Total cost of car loan - $25,000
Monthly payments - $417
Loan amount - $14,190
Interest rate (percentage) – 24.99%
Loan period – 60 Months
Total cost of car loan - $24,985
Monthly payments - $416
You pay the same amount...
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