Dublin, OH
614 966 2755 wecare@creditremedyllc.com
Credit Remedy - Your guiding light to better credit!

0% APR Car Loan VS. 24.99% APR Car Loan

0% APR Car Loan VS. 24.99% APR Car Loan

0% APR Car Loan VS. 24.99% APR Car Loan

Loan amount - $25,000
Interest rate (percentage) - 0%
Loan period – 60 Months

Total cost of car loan - $25,000
Monthly payments - $417


Loan amount - $14,190
Interest rate (percentage) – 24.99%
Loan period – 60 Months

Total cost of car loan - $24,985
Monthly payments - $416

You pay the same amount a month for the same amount of time. Which would you prefer? Why buy a car with high interest when you could have paid for brand NEW 2017 with NO interest if your credit scores were right? Stop wasting your money. You can see that buying a $14,000 car with a high-interest rate makes you pay over $10,000 more than you had to. You can do better and you deserve better. Let Credit Remedy be your guiding light to better credit.

Call, text, or email us today! 614-966-2755 wecare@creditremedyllc.com

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