Any business of any size can actually obtain corporate credit. Even startup businesses can build business credit. Understanding your business credit score can go a long way in ensuring that you make the right financial decisions. Your business credit score ranges from 0 to 100. The higher your score the better. Improving your business credit score should...
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Did You Know?
You can start building your child’s credit today!
You can begin building your child’s credit whenever you want to by making him or her authorized user on your credit card. Usually, you have to be at least 18 to take on a credit card or loan, which are the conventional ways that people start building credit....
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Myth and Fact
The old wives’ tale that consumers have to use all open credit cards each month or they will hurt their credit is a myth. As long as consumers maintain their payments and do not get in over their heads, their scores will be great is a fact....
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Did You Know?
If you have, bad credit companies that service your electric, gas, water, home/cell phone, and cable can ask for a huge deposit to start services for your basic needs. These deposits can be up to $400.00 and higher. Nevertheless, with good credit, most of these fees can be waived. Therefore, let Credit Remedy be your...
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