Dublin, OH
614 966 2755 [email protected]
Credit Remedy - Your guiding light to better credit!

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

You can start building your child’s credit today!

You can begin building your child’s credit whenever you want to by making him or her authorized user on your credit card. Usually, you have to be at least 18 to take on a credit card or loan, which are the conventional ways that people start building credit. However, authorized user-ship is a little different. In many cases, issuers do not set an age minimum for authorized users, because they are not responsible for any of the bills.

By using your card responsibly, your child will benefit from the good credit history you are creating. It will not have the same credit-building power as being the primary user on an account, but it is a start. You do not even have to give your child a card until you feel he or she is ready for the responsibility; simply being the authorized user on paper is enough to do the trick.

Therefore, let Credit Remedy be your and your child’s guiding light to better credit.

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